Monday, June 21, 2010

Stuff on my ipod...

This afternoon I was listening to my ipod and I stumbled upon Enya's Greatest Hits.  I listened to the whole thing and I loved it.  I didn't even bother to stop listening while I moved my bowels.  And that made me wonder if any guy, or gal, had ever listened to Enya with the headphones on while taking the Browns to the Super Bowl.  I can see listening to Enya while prancing through the forest.  I can imagine someone listened to Enya while painting.  I am certain Enya has been heard while sex is being peformed.  Penetrative, as well as oral, although it seems like it would be rude to wear headphones while that is happening.  I can see some goth kid having a midnight picinc at a graveyard while listening to Enya.  I've actually done that before, but I was listening to the Gin Blossoms when it happened.  Surely, somewhere last week a woman north of thirty five listened to Enya while gardening, but I doubt that she took a grumpy while listening to Enya.  No way. 

Book Club...

I received some books from the library this weekend.  The first book I started reading is called "Inside Delta Force".  It's written by this fella who was one of the founding charter members of the elite counterterrorism unit known as Delta Force.  This book is making me feel like a pussy.  If I finish this book I'm going to have to read "Superfudge" immediately afterwards to feel better about myself.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I just checked Bill Simmon's Twitter page to see what he had to say about the World Cup match.  There was a link on one of his tweets to an article in US Weekly that mentions something that Adam Carolla said on Simmon's podcast.  Corolla mentioned that maybe Jennifer Aniston thinks like a man, and that might be why she's single at 41.  He also made a joke about her sleeping her way through Hollywood, Gerard Butler style.  Pretty tame stuff really.  But I was more interested in the comments that this "story" produced.  Here's one that caught my eye:

this kind chauvinstic men, that why jen has many attackers from losers like this and many other loosrs.who can'nt handle strong single successful woman. it shows from thier statment.

A Full Day...(part one)

Last week it stopped raining for one day.  I decided to take advantage of the weather and make a day of it.  Here's a breakdown of the comings and goings:

I cooked a breakfast of french toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and grapes which I washed down with a glass of milk.  I then headed to the bathroom and performed my daily ablutions, which afforded me the opportunity to thumb through my hiking book and pick out a spot to go visit.  I decided I would head out to the Angel's Rest trail out in the Gorge.  The description sounded pleasing and relatively easy, and seeings how it was my first hike of the season "easy" sounded pretty good to me.  Before I could leave though I needed to tend to some household chores.  I unloaded the dishwasher, then mowed the lawn in record time.  Usually I prefer to add some flair with the mower marks, going in S curves and stuff like that, but seeings how time was of the essence I kept it fairly pedestrian:

After the lawn was mowed I packed my backpack with a bottle of water, towel, ipod, and a big bag of trail mix.  I fired up DBT's "Southern Rock Opera" disc one as I hit the road and headed for the Gorge.  On the way out there I happened to have my camera ready when I passed Jesse James (the disgraced Nazi memorabilia collecting reality TV star who cheated on my Hollywood girlfriend, not the train robber):

When I arrived at the trail head I realized that I wasn't the only one who thought it would be a neat idea to go hiking at Angel's Rest.  There must have been at least a hundred cars total, many spilling out of the parking area onto the side road.  I mentally prepared myself for the onslaught of polite "hellos" that was going to be required  once the hike gets under way.  The hike entailed an elevation gain of 1600 ft, which didn't look that daunting when I saw it in the book.  Neither did the 4.6 miles round trip.  I quickly realized that it was going to be daunting for me because I'm a giant baby and I hate walking uphill.  To get to where the angels rest, I was going to need to walk a whole bunch of uphill.  Great.  Here's some thoughts I had while hiking:

1.  What is the exact etiquette on the trail when it comes to passing?  On the way up I was submissive to the folks walking down, but I seemed to be the only one in either direction being submissive.  When I was on my descent I realized that it's much more difficult to stop and let people pass while going downhill.  Yet, no one was stopping for me while I was heading downhill.  Even if I figure out the proper etiquette I doubt anyone else will.  That is, unless they post signs on the trail that remind folks to yield to those going downhill.  Even then, I doubt it would do much because....

2.  There were a number of bros, or dudes, on the trail.  Most were topless, husky, and tattooed poorly (THTP).  They seemed to have zero interest in saying hello or yielding.  They were typical bros, or dudes.

3.  I was reminded how refreshing stream water can be.  On the way down I stopped off at the stream crossing and splashed my face numerous times.  I felt like a million bucks afterwards.  I was also able to wash my hands, which were sticky from snacking on my giant bag of trail mix.  A simple pleasure for sure.

4.  Every time I go anywhere in the Gorge I always see a large group of Asians.  They are never dressed for hiking, always dressed for sight seeing.  Lots of cameras.  A walking stereotype.  I can only assume that the pacific northwest is a popular vacation destination for Asians.

5.  I overheard three different hiking parties discussing medications.  This served as further evidence that this country of ours is pro pill popping (PPP).  Enough already with the over-medication of everybody.

6.  I saw two black guys on the trail.  When I lived in SE Portland I could go months without ever seeing a person of color, yet two sightings on the trail.  Is that racist?  Am I allowed to notice and comment on things like that?

7.  Women seem to enjoy multitasking their exercise with gossip.  Every group of gals out on the trail was wearing workout clothes and chatting up a storm while they hiked.  Is that sexist?  Am I allowed to notice and comment on things like that?

Eventually I made it to the top of the the trail.  In the interest of full disclosure I should say that I had a hard time reaching the top.  I hate walking uphill, but lots of quiet swearing and a whole lot of sweating proved to be worth it.  The landscape was trippy due to a fire back in the nineties, the view was fantastic, and the bag of trail mix was tremendous.  Here's some photos from the top:

In the spirit of purchasing a t shirt at the rock show to prove to everyone you were there, I have inserted a photo of myself at the top to prove that, in fact, I was here:

On the way down the trail I spotted some petroglyphs.  I love happening upon these things.  They inspire wonder.  Often when I come across these ancient wonders I wonder how much things have changed.  What did this view look like when this rock was carved into?  What must it have been like to be a Hunter and Gatherer?  Did shooting stars scare people?  Did Dwight and Jessie face discrimination as a same sex couple?

To Be Continued,


Still Testing...

Here's a photo of a head before the glaze is applied:

Here's a photo of the same head after the glaze has been applied:

This was another test to determine the proper way to display photos on here.  I think I figured out how to place the text first followed by the photo.  This will be important when it comes to photo punchlines.

Figuring This Thing Out,


Friday, June 4, 2010

One more test for today...

The goal for this post is to see if I can upload more than one photo. If this works successfully the two photos should be of new ceramic work.

Last Test Today,


Another test...

Here's another photo of some recent ceramic work. This is the first in my "horn" series.

Still Kicking the Tires,


Testing again...

This is another test. The goal for this operation is to have a blog that features a photo. I will attempt to place a photo of my recent ceramic work in this blog....

Okay. Looks like the photo appears above whatever you have written. I'd prefer the photo to be below the text. I'll try that on the next blog.

Still Test Driving my New Blog,


Testing, testing, testing....

This is a test. If this were an actual blog you would be reading about what I ate for breakfast. Since this is just a test I will inform the reader what I ate for lunch. I prepared a turkey/roast beef sandwich at approximately 1 PM. I heated both slices in the oven using the broiler heating option. One side of the sandwich had mushrooms hidden underneath a bed of roast beef and gouda, the other slice had turkey and gouda. Once the cheese had melted and the tips of the bread were toasty I removed the slices from the oven. I added mayo, tomatoes, sprouts, and lettuce to round out the flavor and texture of my sandwich. I ate the sandwich nude, meaning I did not accompany the sandwich with chips, which is my preferred method for eating sandwiches. The sandwich was delicious. Again, this was just a test of my new blog. In the interest of full disclosure I should clarify that I was not nude while eating the sandwich. The sandwich was without accompaniment. I hope no one was confused by this. I was fully clothed during the whole procedure.

Taking the New Blog for a Test Drive,
